Fred Astaire in Royal Wedding

Fred Astaire in Royal Wedding

In the 1951 musical romantic comedy Royal Wedding, Fred Astaire plays Tom Bowen, an American dance director who travels to London to oversee the wedding of Princess Anne (played by Jane Powell).

The film features several elaborate dance routines, including a memorable scene in which Astaire dances with a hat rack and an umbrella. The film was a commercial success, grossing over $4 million at the box office. It also received critical acclaim, with Astaire's performance being praised in particular.

Royal Wedding was Astaire's first film in color, and it showcases his extraordinary dancing skills. The film's choreography was created by Hermes Pan, who had previously worked with Astaire on several other films, including Swing Time and Top Hat.

fred astaire in royal wedding

Fred Astaire starred in the 1951 musical romantic comedy Royal Wedding. The film was a commercial success and received critical acclaim, with Astaire's performance being praised in particular.

  • Musical romantic comedy
  • Released in 1951
  • Stars Fred Astaire
  • Directed by Stanley Donen
  • Features elaborate dance routines
  • Astaire's first film in color
  • Choreography by Hermes Pan
  • Received critical acclaim
  • Gross $4 million at the box office
  • Astaire's performance praised

Royal Wedding is considered one of Astaire's best films and is a classic example of the Hollywood musical genre.

Musical romantic comedy

Royal Wedding is a musical romantic comedy, a genre that combines elements of both musicals and romantic comedies. Musical romantic comedies typically feature elaborate song and dance routines, as well as a romantic plotline.

  • Song and dance routines: Royal Wedding features several elaborate song and dance routines, including a memorable scene in which Astaire dances with a hat rack and an umbrella.
  • Romantic plotline: The film's plot revolves around the romance between Astaire's character, Tom Bowen, and Princess Anne (played by Jane Powell). The two characters fall in love despite the obstacles posed by their different social backgrounds.
  • Comic elements: Royal Wedding also features several comic elements, including slapstick humor and witty dialogue. The film's supporting cast, which includes Peter Lawford and Keenan Wynn, provides much of the film's comedic relief.
  • Happy ending: In typical romantic comedy fashion, Royal Wedding ends with a happy ending. Tom and Princess Anne overcome the obstacles to their relationship and get married.

Royal Wedding is a classic example of the musical romantic comedy genre. The film features all the elements that make the genre so popular, including elaborate song and dance routines, a romantic plotline, comic elements, and a happy ending.

Released in 1951

Royal Wedding was released in 1951, at a time when the musical genre was in decline. However, the film was a commercial success, grossing over $4 million at the box office. This was due in part to the film's star power, as Astaire was one of the most popular actors of the era.

The film's release in 1951 also coincided with the rise of television. As a result, movie studios were looking for ways to lure audiences back to theaters. Royal Wedding was one of several musicals that were released in 1951 in an attempt to do just that.

The film's success helped to revive the musical genre, and it is now considered one of the classic musicals of the era. It is also one of Astaire's most popular films.

In addition to its commercial success, Royal Wedding also received critical acclaim. Astaire's performance was praised in particular, with many critics calling it one of his best. The film was also nominated for several Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor for Astaire.

Royal Wedding is a significant film in the history of the musical genre. It was one of the first musicals to be released after the rise of television, and it helped to revive the genre. The film is also notable for Astaire's performance, which is considered one of his best.

Stars Fred Astaire

Fred Astaire was one of the most popular and influential dancers of all time. He starred in over 30 musical films, including Royal Wedding. Astaire was known for his elegant and graceful dancing style, as well as his charming personality.

In Royal Wedding, Astaire plays Tom Bowen, an American dance director who travels to London to oversee the wedding of Princess Anne. Astaire's performance in the film is considered one of his best. He dances with his usual grace and charm, and he also delivers a number of memorable comic moments.

Astaire's performance in Royal Wedding helped to make the film a commercial success. The film grossed over $4 million at the box office, and it received critical acclaim. Astaire was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance.

Royal Wedding is one of Astaire's most popular films. It is a classic example of the musical genre, and it features Astaire at the height of his powers.

Fred Astaire was a true star, and Royal Wedding is one of his best films. His performance in the film is a master class in dancing and comedy. If you are a fan of Astaire, or if you are simply a fan of great musicals, then you should definitely check out Royal Wedding.

Directed by Stanley Donen

Stanley Donen was one of the most successful and influential directors of the musical genre. He directed over 20 musicals, including Royal Wedding, Singin' in the Rain, and Funny Face.

Donen was known for his innovative and stylish approach to filmmaking. He was always willing to experiment with new techniques and ideas, and he was not afraid to take risks.

In Royal Wedding, Donen uses a variety of techniques to create a visually stunning and entertaining film. He uses elaborate dance routines, lavish sets, and beautiful costumes to create a world of glamour and romance.

Donen also gets great performances from his cast. Astaire is at his best in the film, and Powell is charming and beautiful. The supporting cast, which includes Peter Lawford and Keenan Wynn, is also excellent.

Royal Wedding is a classic example of Donen's directorial style. It is a visually stunning and entertaining film that features great performances from its cast. If you are a fan of musicals, or if you are simply a fan of great filmmaking, then you should definitely check out Royal Wedding.

Features elaborate dance routines

Royal Wedding is known for its elaborate dance routines. Astaire performs several solo dances in the film, including a memorable routine in which he dances with a hat rack and an umbrella.

  • "You're All the World to Me"

    This is one of the most iconic dance routines in the film. Astaire dances with a hat rack and an umbrella, and he makes it look effortless. The routine is full of energy and charm, and it is one of Astaire's most memorable performances.

  • "Sunday Jumps"

    This is a high-energy dance routine that features Astaire and Powell dancing around a hotel room. The routine is full of athleticism and grace, and it is one of the most visually stunning dance routines in the film.

  • "The Wedding Cake Walk"

    This is a comedic dance routine that features Astaire and Powell dancing around a wedding cake. The routine is full of slapstick humor and charm, and it is one of the most entertaining dance routines in the film.

  • "Fellaheen Dance"

    This is an exotic dance routine that features Astaire and Powell dancing in a Middle Eastern setting. The routine is full of sensual movements and beautiful costumes, and it is one of the most visually striking dance routines in the film.

The dance routines in Royal Wedding are some of the best that Astaire ever performed. They are full of energy, grace, and charm, and they are a major reason why the film is such a classic.

Astaire's first film in color

Royal Wedding was Astaire's first film in color. Prior to this, all of his films had been shot in black and white.

  • Use of color

    The use of color in Royal Wedding is stunning. The film's costumes and sets are vibrant and colorful, and the dance routines are visually striking.

  • New possibilities

    The use of color opened up new possibilities for Astaire and Donen. They were able to create dance routines that would have been impossible to film in black and white.

  • A new era

    Royal Wedding marked the beginning of a new era for Astaire. He would go on to star in several more color films, and he would continue to innovate and create new and exciting dance routines.

  • A classic film

    Royal Wedding is a classic film, and it is one of the best examples of Astaire's work. The film's use of color, its elaborate dance routines, and its charming story make it a must-see for any fan of musicals.

Royal Wedding is a significant film in Astaire's career. It was his first film in color, and it opened up new possibilities for him as a dancer and performer.

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Received critical acclaim

Royal Wedding received critical acclaim upon its release. Critics praised Astaire's performance, the film's elaborate dance routines, and its charming story.

Bosley Crowther of The New York Times called the film "a gay and tuneful show" and praised Astaire's performance as "one of his best." Variety called the film "a delightful musical" and said that Astaire "is at his dancing best." The Hollywood Reporter called the film "a triumph for Astaire" and said that it is "one of the best musicals of the year."

Royal Wedding was also nominated for several Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor for Astaire. Although it did not win any awards, the film's critical acclaim is a testament to its quality.

Royal Wedding is a classic musical that is still enjoyed by audiences today. It is a charming and entertaining film that features some of Astaire's best dancing.

Royal Wedding is a significant film in Astaire's career. It was one of his most successful films, and it helped to revive the musical genre. The film's critical acclaim is a testament to its quality, and it is still enjoyed by audiences today.

Gross $4 million at the box office

Royal Wedding was a commercial success, grossing over $4 million at the box office. This was a significant amount of money for a film at the time, and it helped to revive the musical genre.

The film's success was due in part to the star power of Astaire. Astaire was one of the most popular actors of the era, and his presence in the film helped to draw audiences to theaters.

The film's elaborate dance routines and charming story also contributed to its success. Audiences were begeistert with the film's visuals and its heartwarming story.

Royal Wedding is a classic musical that is still enjoyed by audiences today. It is a charming and entertaining film that features some of Astaire's best dancing.

Royal Wedding is a significant film in Astaire's career. It was one of his most successful films, and it helped to revive the musical genre. The film's commercial success is a testament to its quality, and it is still enjoyed by audiences today.

Astaire's performance praised

Astaire's performance in Royal Wedding was praised by critics and audiences alike. Critics praised his dancing, his acting, and his overall charisma.

  • Dancing

    Astaire's dancing in Royal Wedding is some of the best of his career. He is graceful, athletic, and charming. He makes even the most difficult dance routines look easy.

  • Acting

    Astaire is also a talented actor. In Royal Wedding, he plays a charming and lovable character. He has great chemistry with Powell, and he is able to deliver both comedy and drama with ease.

  • Charisma

    Astaire has a natural charisma that makes him a joy to watch. He is able to light up the screen with his smile and his energy. He is a true star.

  • Overall

    Astaire's performance in Royal Wedding is one of his best. He is at the height of his powers, and he delivers a performance that is both entertaining and unforgettable.

Astaire's performance in Royal Wedding is a master class in acting and dancing. He is one of the greatest entertainers of all time, and his performance in this film is a testament to his talent.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Royal Wedding:

Question 1: What year was Royal Wedding released?
Answer: 1951

Question 2: Who directed Royal Wedding?
Answer: Stanley Donen

Question 3: Who choreographed the dance routines in Royal Wedding?
Answer: Hermes Pan

Question 4: What is the name of Fred Astaire's character in Royal Wedding?
Answer: Tom Bowen

Question 5: What is the name of Jane Powell's character in Royal Wedding?
Answer: Princess Anne

Question 6: Did Royal Wedding win any Academy Awards?
Answer: No, but it was nominated for Best Picture and Best Actor for Astaire.

Question 7: How much money did Royal Wedding gross at the box office?
Answer: Over $4 million

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

Royal Wedding is a classic musical that is still enjoyed by audiences today. It is a charming and entertaining film that features some of Astaire's best dancing.

Here are some tips for enjoying Royal Wedding:


Here are some tips for enjoying Royal Wedding:

1. Watch it in color. Royal Wedding was Astaire's first film in color, and the vibrant colors add to the film's charm and beauty.

2. Pay attention to the dance routines. Astaire's dance routines are some of the best in the history of film. Don't just watch them passively; really study them and appreciate the skill and artistry involved.

3. Listen to the music. The music in Royal Wedding is beautiful and memorable. Listen to it carefully and let it transport you to another time and place.

4. Enjoy the romance. Royal Wedding is a romantic comedy, so don't be afraid to let yourself get swept away by the love story.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

Royal Wedding is a classic film that can be enjoyed by audiences of all ages. Follow these tips to get the most out of your viewing experience.

Royal Wedding is a timeless classic that deserves to be seen by every fan of musicals. It is a charming and entertaining film that features some of Astaire's best dancing.


Royal Wedding is a classic musical that deserves to be seen by every fan of musicals. It is a charming and entertaining film that features some of Astaire's best dancing.

The film's main points are as follows:

  • Royal Wedding is a musical romantic comedy that was released in 1951.
  • The film was directed by Stanley Donen and choreographed by Hermes Pan.
  • Astaire stars as Tom Bowen, an American dance director who travels to London to oversee the wedding of Princess Anne.
  • The film features several elaborate dance routines, including a memorable scene in which Astaire dances with a hat rack and an umbrella.
  • Royal Wedding was a commercial success and received critical acclaim, with Astaire's performance being praised in particular.

Royal Wedding is a timeless classic that is still enjoyed by audiences today. It is a charming and entertaining film that features some of Astaire's best dancing. If you are a fan of musicals, or if you are simply a fan of great films, then you should definitely check out Royal Wedding.

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